My trip back home to Haiti Day 1 and 2

After a lot of stress of moving and shipping things for the past two weeks I made it  to my beautiful Caribbean Island home, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

After 3 hours flight from JFK to PAP, crazy tired I made a stop by one of the tents city on my way home to chat and took a couple of pictures. Most of the people have been relocated to a temporary/permanent home but we still have a few left and of course a ton of garbage, plastics and all left behind. The reason of my trip down there, to conduct training on how to recycle and creating jobs for the women and the support to open a school for the disadvantaged children in Kafou Chada!

 As you will notice the pile of plastics, tarp tents left behind and we know that plastics are not biodegradable, they can be sitting here for ages, causing more problem than before.

 Those 2 pictures above are the area call Petion-Ville. Driving by to go home.

 The road to Kenscoff, La Boule, Thomassin and more.

 Could not resist, look at them, those baby goats, so beautiful as you can see the mother is not too far away. Love nature!
Almost home, only 2 mns away.

Sunday afternoon 4:30 pm, we went for a little drive and made a stop at Pizza Garden since I have not been there for the past 18 years. Here with my niece wearing my glasses and  driving me crazy. Oh so good to be home.

Woke up this morning and decided to take a picture from my bedroom window.

Relaxing a bit as I have a load of work ahead for the next few days.

That's all for now, more later.
If you need to support and help the women and the kids in Haiti please visit my campaign at and make a donation. Need your help dearly and we running out of time. The raining season has started as you may know and it already caused a lot of damages. Together let's try to help and support those in need. We still need your help and support. Thank you.


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