This past Friday I got caught in the heavy rain on my way to a meeting within seconds from hips down I was completely soak, but not my beautiful HIMANE Signature Tote. All dry with everything inside. We all need an HIMANE Signature Tote. Why? because it is very practical, very light, easy to clean, water resistant and not expensive. Here are a few of our TOTES! Call us for more details.
Tottie Tote |
Totou |
Totou |
Tobou |
On my way back to the studio, big smile on my face because I collected 5 beautiful colorful umbrellas. One of them a leopard print made me think about something Loren Talbot from Local Labels said:
" Each one is a potential bag or dress, a design and a metaphor. When I see people carrying a particular interesting design, I think about how she would turn it into a clutch or duffel bag. This upcycling of abandoned umbrellas by Catherine is an amazing example of using abandoned resources for useful (and in her case very fashionable) products."
You can read more here from Local Labels:
A few pictures of REFAIT the New Upcycling umbrella bags line by HIMANE. Contact us for more details.
Wilma- Upcycled Umbrella and Recycled Leather
Marmelade UJ |
Sotdo UL |
Betisda |
Pako |
Toya |
Toya |
Planner Tote |
Erisna Duffel |